About us
We promise to be with you in our prayers for the rest of your life.
A little about us…
Mr. V.S.Bhavsar and Mr. D.S.Bhavsar are the founders of “Asli Rudraksha” which aims to provide genuine and best quality religious products to its customers. We have a team of highly experienced and enthusiastic members. Even though they are completely new in online platform but we have a strong reputation and vast experience in this field.
The maximum benefit of any product is available only when the product is completely pure. Therefore, we give priority to quality over quantity.
Our Mission & Vision…
People have considered Rudraksha as mysterious and there are many doubts in the minds of people about it. Our main objective is to develop awareness about this genuine Rudraksha bead and inform the public about its beneficial properties as described in our ancient scriptures and also advocated by ancient sages.
• To inform people about the various scientific properties of Rudraksha beads based on current researches so that they can understand how it has beneficial effects on them from a scientific point of view.
• To supply good and genuine quality Rudraksha and other religious products at reasonable prices to people across the globe.
• To create a platform where people from all walks of life can share their knowledge and experiences about Rudraksha beads so that others can also benefit from this knowledge.
• To make people aware of the fact that just like God does not discriminate among his children, similarly this divine gift of God is also for the benefit of all irrespective of caste, culture, religion, geographical location, age, gender etc. Is.
• To make people understand that Rudraksha beads have only beneficial effects and absolutely no negative effects. His astrological effects pacify the planets in addition to his other divine effects.
Our Experts…
“Asli Rudraksh” has a dedicated team of almost every age group between 20 to 70 and all are best in their work. We have a dynamic team of highly experienced Astrologers, Astronomers, Developers, Marketers, Distributors and Laboratory Testers who can tell which Rudraksha, Yantra, Mala or Puja will be best for your Luck, Business and Family.