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Rudraksha FAQs

You have curiosity and questions on Rudraksha?

Below you will find answers to frequently asked questions by our customers about Rudraksha.

We have answered here the most frequently asked questions on Rudraksha.

Yes Shiva Purana specially describe that Lakshmi Stay, where Rudraksha is.

Anyone, irrespective of gender, cultural, ethnic, geographical or religious background can wear rudraksha. They are intended for persons at any stage in life irrespective of mental and physical condition. It can be worn by children, students, the elderly and ill for many benefits.

Rudraksha is hot in nature some people cannot wear it their skin shows signs of allergy In that case you may keep the carry beads with you in your purse or bag near work table or Puja room People ask.

According to the scriptures, there is no restriction on wearing rudraksha by a person of any caste, any gender, any age group and any religion. It is clearly mentioned in the scriptures that this bead is used to remove the sins and sufferings of human beings. So every human being in this world can enjoy the benefits of Rudraksha.

Yes, they can According to our holy books, rudraksha can be worn at all times by everybody .

No, please avoid, because hands get dirty often. Purity of the bead gets affected.

Many get confused with the shape and size of rudraksha One should not seriously worry about it Just see that the Mukhi is well defined, corns and contours are and there are no cracks near the central hole The bead has to be lustrous and healthy and devoid of deep cracks and insect holes.

Could be any number of years if well protected, can be passed on from generation to generation.

Keep Rudraksh beads or rosary in Cow ghee, almond oil, mustard oil for 2 to 7 days in a few months, which makes it strong.

Rosary made out of rudraksha Beads in the auspicious numbers like (108+1, 54+1, and 27+1) is called rudraksha Mala. The +1 bead is called as sumeru (it is not crossed while chanting) which is considered as boundary for returning in reverse direction for further counting. Mala is used for wearing as well as for purpose of Chanting (Chanting Mantra for Spiritual attainments). It is used to count Mantra in the above figure (108, 54, and 27). rudraksha Rosary is considered as the only Rosary, which can be used for Chanting of all kinds. The details found in the scriptures say that rudraksha rosary should be worn after proper sanctification with Mantra.

As per the modern Astrologers; rudraksha is used for removing malefic planetary effect. There are twenty seven Constellations. Each has control of one of the Nine Planets. Each constellation is controlled by some related rudraksha. Therefore according to these constellations, various multifaceted rudraksha are worn (Control planets) and is found useful in multidiscipline. The Multifaceted or mukhi rudraksha which has various planets residing on it always receives energy from related planet. Its power of receiving energy is tremendous. It not only receives energy, it is also known for emitting energy continuously.

Rudraksha is considered to be a spiritual bead. Used since ancient time for increasing the spiritual power, self confidence, courage and for building a positive attitude in multidiscipline area. As per the ancient Indian scripture like purana, it is well known that Each rudraksha is linked with Particular deity. This Positive Power in terms of deva or Devi always protects the wearer from Negative Powers and enmity and provides a powerful shield against all negativities.

Tests like the one which sinks in water is original and the one that floats is a duplicate one , are not right. Even the ones made of wood with some lead impregnated in it can sink comfortably in water. The best way is to procure from reliable source.

Yes, the Rudraksha beads definitely have medicinal values which is very well documented in our Ancient Vedic Texts. Rudraksha beads are widely used in the preparation of Ayurvedic medicines a Modern days.

If you shower with cold water and aren’t using any chemical soaps, it’s especially nice to let the water flow over you and over your body. But if you are using chemical soap and hot water, it becomes brittle and will crack after some time, so it is better to avoid wearing it during such times.

A person may feel some positive effects immediately after wearing Rudraksha while other more prominent changes may take some time to manifest. Generally, it has been observed that a period of 40 days is required for getting proper tangible results. However, this period can also increase or decrease depending upon the wearers own situation and horoscope. A Rudraksha bead definitely brings Positivity and Auspiciousness in a persons thereby improving in the life.

Nepali due to its size has more healing capacity. Nepali are rarer than the Indonesian beads, and have higher demand, so price is high. If you are to wear a single bead then Nepali is best.

Actualy Rudraksha bead is invoked for a particular person to get maximum beneficial results. Therefore, they should not be interchanged even among the members of the same family. However, a Rudraksha bead can be passed down from one generation to another.

Make Rudraksha a part of your body your faith will bring grace in your life slowly you will find that you are moving away from non – veg and alcohol. If possible take off the beads during such times and pray god to give enough strength to overcome these habits.

It is advisable to remove the Rudraksha bead while attending a funeral or going to a cremation ground. However, if you forget to do so then the Rudraksha may be deep in cleaned with water and then you should wear it after reciting the general Mantra “Om Namaha Shivaya”.

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